Sunday, 28 June 2015

Floor Scrubbers for Sale: What You Need for a Thorough and Green Clean

Unclean establishments can turn away customers and could raise the ire of local health authorities. Cleaning up large commercial spaces, however, can cost a lot of resources and water, which is hardly ideal either for the environment or the proprietor’s wallet. Proprietors of businesses that require a lot of cleaning and maintenance (such as restaurants, groceries, convenience stores, etc.) need to consider the amount of water and materials they need to get the job done. By choosing from the many floor scrubbers for sale by manufacturers like Minuteman International, business owners can potentially save on costs, and on their water usage. The best commercial cleaning machines are so efficient, they require little to no water to be utilized.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines: Perfect for After-Shift Cleanups

Cleaning up your business establishment can be challenging, especially if you own large premises that need cleaning after every long and exhausting shift. Restaurants and groceries, in particular, require regular floor cleaning to remain presentable and sanitary. Mopping floors after business hours not only gets pretty tiring but also makes it next to impossible to cover bigger surfaces in a short span of time. Fortunately, you can use commercial floor cleaning machines from trusted manufacturers like Minuteman International that automate much of the cleaning process and cut down much of the effort needed to clean floors. These machines can leave surfaces much cleaner than if they were scrubbed by hand.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Floor Scrubbers: Validating Your Investment of a Ride-on Scrubber

Floor scrubbers for sale come in all shapes and sizes. From small corded machines to large battery- or fuel-powered behemoths, there are indeed many options from which to choose. For properties with a large amount of floor space, however, the ride-on variety is generally the best option due to the larger scrubbing width, reduced operator fatigue, larger water/detergent storage capacity and more. All these features equate to one major advantage: enhanced productivity. These three significant advantages are explained below.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Selecting Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines: Walk-behind or Ride-on?

So you’ve made the decision to purchase a commercial floor scrubber. Now you need to decide whether you should invest in one of the many advanced ride-on scrubbers in the market or if a walk-behind model would be the better choice for your needs. Consider these points as you weigh the advantages of both types of commercial floor cleaning machines.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

The Value of Cleaning Decorative Concrete Floors

Does your office or retail property have decorative concrete floors? Do you want to remodel and remove your carpet or vinyl flooring to reveal the concrete underneath and make it a low-maintenance yet attractive feature? Make sure your cleaning and maintenance strategy is spot-on so that the decorative concrete floor becomes truly pleasing.

Preparation for Staining

Staining can enhance the look of polished concrete and make maintenance easier. You have to be very particular when it comes to preparing concrete floors for that process, though, and intensive cleaning is an essential part of the preparations. Cleaning will ensure that the stain deeply penetrates the surface and results in a beautiful outcome, which contaminants like oil, grease, grime, and other forms of residue can prevent.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Concrete contractors will recommend how often these floors must be scrubbed, and as a building owner or manager, you can also have the cleaning done in addition to your regular schedule. High-traffic surfaces usually require more frequent cleaning. Aside from removing dirt and sanitizing the concrete, the occasional polishing should help your concrete floor retain its luster.

With every concrete floor you clean, make sure you have the appropriate floor scrubber, detergent, brush, and other machine accessory. Be sure to source suitable equipment and tools from established janitorial supply distributors.

Friday, 12 June 2015

The Importance of Regular Floor Scrubber Training

Floor scrubber operation and maintenance are not as straightforward as they may seem. So many factors need to be considered: type of floor, foot traffic, the right cleaning chemicals to use, and so much more. As such, is it’s important that your cleaning crew stays abreast with the best equipment and techniques to use in cleaning floors. 

You can arrange for your staff to attend these seminars so they can learn about the latest in keeping floors clean, maintaining your cleaning equipment, and adopting more productive and cost-efficient practices.

The Downside of No Training

Like many maintenance department heads, you may already be aware that the right types of equipment and tools are needed to clean specific floors, but without regular training, you could be using outdated information and methods without knowing it. Certain cleaning solutions may have been found to be a health risk, and therefore need to be replaced. There may also be new techniques available that could help you save time and keep floors clean for a longer period.

Have Your Maintenance Staff Trained Today

Don’t ever discount the benefits that training seminars can give your business. They could make a big difference in your operations, possibly saving you and your company thousands of dollars in the long run.