Wednesday, 14 June 2017

The Two Types of Industrial Floor Scrubber

Is your business growing and you are starting to build larger and wider facilities? Then that means you also have to invest in a better floor cleaning solution. Get rid of your traditional floor cleaning tools and start using industrial floor scrubbers. These machines are designed to clean floors faster and better. They can help save a great deal of time and money for your business. Following are the two types of scrubbers you can invest in.

Walk-Behind Floor Scrubbers

Like a mop, a walk-behind floor scrubber is operated by pushing to the places that need to be cleaned, except it performs extra spins, which help scrub off more dirt at a faster rate. These machines come in a range of sizes, and usually the smaller ones are designed to clean small spaces. The larger ones are for floors with less obstacles. A lot of people prefer this to a rider because it can be controlled more easily and cleans all corners.

Ride-On Floor Scrubbers

The mechanism of a ride-on scrubber is almost the same as that of a walk-behind one, except you can ride on it. You don’t have to walk and push, which means you can feel more relaxed throughout the entire floor cleaning process. A ride-on is usually beneficial in cleaning wide spaces such as warehouses and parking spaces. They can help finish bigger and tougher tasks in a short span of time.

Whether you are looking to invest in walk-behind or ride-on scrubbers, you need to do your research first to make sure that you will purchase them from the right supplier. The most ideal shop to go to is one that carries the best industrial floor cleaning brands.

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