Tuesday, 12 January 2016

4 Important Factors to Consider Before Investing in Floor Scrubbers

To any building service contractor, having reliable cleaning equipment is necessary. Every buyer will have to put several factors into consideration before purchasing cleaning equipment. For commercial establishments, however, one would never go wrong with automatic floor scrubbers for sale. Some of the most important factors they have to consider when choosing the right automatic floor scrubber include: Size of the floor being cleaned There are different types of floor scrubbers available, and some work best in smaller spaces while others are ideal for larger areas. For instance, a big rider scrubber will be ideal for cleaning large spaces such as halls while a walk behind scrubber is perfect for cleaning much smaller spaces.

Monday, 11 January 2016

A Handy Guide on Automatic Floor Scrubber Maintenance and Shopping

A floor scrubber has delicate components, so you’ll need to follow a few steps in order to keep your machine in optimum condition. Before you implement any advanced procedures, carefully read the owner’s manual for your unit. The booklet should have a chapter that addresses the maintenance requirements that are specifically designed for the machine. Maintenance for the Brushes The brushes underneath a floor scrubber will attract debris like a magnet, so you must clean the bristles regularly. If a lot of dirt covers the brushes, the machine may malfunction over time.