Sunday, 19 February 2017

How to Properly Use a Floor Scrubber to Maximize its Cleaning Power

Manually cleaning the flooring of your business property hazards inefficiency in time, labor and even in effectiveness when it comes to the actual cleaning. If your property is large and several people are required to clean its floors, then it’s time to invest in commercial cleaning equipment and put your staff to work on more strategic business matters, such as production and revenues.
An automatic floor scrubber can help in many ways. First, it provides an easy, swift way to clean a hard floor surface. There is no need for a mop, a bucket, or even a strong back anymore. Furthermore, the size of the space doesn’t matter as much as if it were cleaned manually. In fact, a floor scrubber can cover up to 23,000 square feet per hour.
While this machine is convenient, you should know how to use it properly to ensure efficient operation. Read more from this blog:

Thursday, 16 February 2017

A Guide on Keeping Your Commercial Floor Scrubber in Good Condition

Buying an automatic floor scrubber to keep your business establishment clean is a worthy investment. Among other floor cleaning machines, a scrubber will help provide a conducive environment for your employees and customers. A dirty building may turn clients off, as well as expose your staff to health and safety risks.
Owning a commercial floor scrubber, however, doesn’t stop when you purchase it. You need to know how to properly use and maintain it as well. This way, you can extend its service life, preventing damages to it that may disrupt your business’s maintenance schedule. When keeping cleaning equipment in good condition, you have to consider several factors.
The brushes attached underneath the machine gather the dirt and debris. Given this, it’s necessary to clean the bristles regularly. Otherwise, the dirt will collect there and eventually lead to a machine malfunction. Read more from this blog:

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Deploy Cleanliness to Promote Safety at Work

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that trips, slips, and falls are among the most common work-related injuries for employees. As an employer, it is part of your responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone in your establishment. This includes maintaining cleanliness and implementing protocols to prevent accidents.

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Reduce Your Sports Facility’s Cleaning Costs by Using Floor Scrubbers

Apart from the obvious sweat marks, you might think that there isn’t much in the way of bacteria and potentially harmful diseases in a sports facility, but you would be wrong. While it’s not always talked about, there are many diseases that can be picked up at the gym which come from improper cleaning routines and methods. Traditionally, a mop and bucket would have been enough to make your floors appear clean but these days, it’s common knowledge that using a mop is an ineffective method of cleaning.

There are many different types of surfaces found at a sports facility and floor scrubbers can greatly reduce the number of labor hours your staff need to spend cleaning. Read more from this blog:

Friday, 10 February 2017

Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines are the Way Forward for Hospitals

If there is one place that needs to keep its floors clean and free from dirt and bacteria, it’s a hospital. With the constant foot traffic and potentially harmful or even deadly bacteria that can be left on hospital floors, investing in commercial floor cleaning machines has never been a higher priority for such organizations.

While the traditional mop and bucket system worked for a while, it has been proven that mops do not actually pick up the dirt, but simply dilute it and spread it around. It may look like you are getting rid of the dirt but in reality, you aren’t. The other big problems with a mop and bucket are the labor hours that it takes to get the job done, the waste of water and disinfectant and the potentially harmful wet floors it leaves behind. Read more from this blog:

Friday, 3 February 2017

Enjoy the Benefits of Automatic Floor Scrubbers

Automatic floor scrubbers are an exciting tool for your industrial or commercial space. Not only do they give your flooring a professional finish, they also minimize the stress you might experience when trying to ensure your floor space is sparkly. However, that’s not all this product can offer. Below are some reasons why automatic floor scrubber is an ideal cleaning tool.