Thursday, 15 September 2016

Finding the Right Floor Scrubber for Your Company

To ensure worker and customer safety for your company, the floors in your building need to be clean. Make sure this happens every day by using a floor scrubber. Here is everything you need to know to help you make an informed decision regarding this device.

Manual vs. Automatic

An impactful decision you need to make is whether your company needs an automatic or manual floor scrubber. The first thing that you need to know is that there are benefits to both types. For starters, with an automatic floor scrubber, employees can save time and energy because they actually sit on the machine while cleaning.

Conversely, manual sweepers are pushed by the operator and they are not as expensive as automatic models, which is why you should consider your company’s needs when making a decision. Do you need to clean quickly because you don’t have a lot of time each day, or does your company need to save money? Also, think about space. You may not need an automatic model if you are cleaning a small area.


You’ll also want to consider how easy the floor scrubber is to maintain. If you use this scrubber every day, you need one that is also easy to maintain, so that they are ready to go when you need to start cleaning. Think about how large the storage tank for all the trash and debris. If it’s large, you will need two people to dump the tank, while smaller tanks can be dumped by just one person.

Cleaning the floors is a task anyone can do, but it can be done right the first time around when you select the right automatic floor scrubber.

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