Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Floor Scrubber Tips: How to Maintain Your Scrubber

A floor scrubber is a large investment, and it’s only natural that you want to do whatever you can to make sure it runs perfectly for years to come. To achieve this, it’s highly advised that you take on a thorough maintenance regimen:

Daily Maintenance:

• Drain recovery and solution tanks completely to remove debris and gunk that may block lines later on

• Raise the squeegee assembly off of the floor and wipe dust and debris off the blades to avoid scuffing your flooring during future cleaning sessions.

Weekly Maintenance:

• Inspect your batteries for any loose or corroded cables that may lead to electrical damage to your unit.

• Check the fluid level in your batteries and look for any possible signs of leaks

Monthly Maintenance:

• Lubricate grease point and pivot points with recommended silicon spray or grease to prevent accelerated wear and tear.

• Flush solution system with hot water and an approved alkaline detergent to breakdown any residue buildup

If you notice any issues with your floor scrubber, do not wait for a larger problem to manifest. Trusted vendors like Minuteman International often offer repair services for their products. Prompt maintenance and repairs can easily extend the service life of your floor scrubber.

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