Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Green and Sustainable Floor Scrubbers Top Latest Global Industry Trend

As more industries shift their preference towards using cleaning and maintenance solutions that run on sustainable technologies, so do the demand for eco-friendly and high-performance floor scrubbers. According to an extensive industry study conducted by Transparency Market Research (TMR), more businesses are opting to go green, investing billions in environmentally friendly technology and products for use in their daily operations.
Different Markets Have Different Reasons for Choosing to Follow the Greening Trend
While adopting green technology is a worldwide trend across all industries, the need for eco-conscious industrial floor scrubbers differ in major market segments. Developed markets such as those found in Europe and North America are early adopters to sustainable technologies, and therefore place a high premium on using innovative products that have little to no impact in the environment. Read more from this blog.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Road to Success Can Start with a Floor Scrubber

Cleaning services in the U.S. comprise an industry worth over $1 billion. Every day, the need for tidy spaces proliferates our landscape, whether in homes, schools, hospitals, offices, parks, on streets, or walkways. A prospecting entrepreneur can certainly gain a winning edge by starting a cleaning business. Following are a few startup tips to get you on the right track.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Get The Right Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines for Your Business

Because of their steep tag price, commercial floor cleaning machines are considered as major investments, especially for small- and medium-scale businesses who are working with limited budgets. The pressure to get the most productive and cost-efficient machine causes many businesses to make the most common mistake when buying floor cleaning machines – blowing their budget on the most expensive floor cleaning machines the market has to offer. Businesses are often under the misguided notion that if it costs an arm and a leg, then it must be the best. They often overlook that it’s compatibility, and not price that determines whether a floor cleaning machine is worth the investment or not.
What Type of Floor Surface Do You Have?
A typical automatic floor scrubber comes equipped with different brush types, and knowing which brush to pair with which floor surface is the key to achieving the maximum clean for your floors as possible. Read more from this blog.

An Automatic Floor Scrubber Saves Time and Effort

Your business can stay tidy and draw in more clients when you get an automatic floor scrubber to do the toughest cleaning jobs. Investing in this commercial cleaning machine will also maximize the productivity of your personnel, while maintaining safety within your place of business.