Saturday, 8 July 2017

More Cleaning Equipment to Use Alongside Your Trusty Floor Scrubber

Whether it is a commercial office, industrial/manufacturing plant or a warehouse, keeping floors clean can be challenging. Not only will you need to hire a dedicated person to do the cleaning, you would also need to invest significant amount of money on cleaning equipment, like a floor scrubber, to lighten the load.
If you’re about to look at floor scrubbers for sale, you might want to consider also purchasing other equipment to keep your floor looking really clean.
Read more on this Article:

Friday, 7 July 2017

Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines Improve Cleanliness and Safety

As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to keep your establishment clean and safe for both employees and customers. Accidents such as slips, trips, and falls are all too common and they cost businesses a lot. In the United States alone, claims from such accidents reach an average of $25,000 to $28,000.
One way to avoid this problem is to stick to a strict floor cleaning protocol. This will involve the preparation of a comprehensive cleaning program, training of personnel, and purchase and use of high quality commercial floor cleaning machines. Read more on this Article:

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

The Two Types of Industrial Floor Scrubber

Is your business growing and you are starting to build larger and wider facilities? Then that means you also have to invest in a better floor cleaning solution. Get rid of your traditional floor cleaning tools and start using industrial floor scrubbers. These machines are designed to clean floors faster and better. They can help save a great deal of time and money for your business. Following are the two types of scrubbers you can invest in.

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

When to Consider Using Automated Floor Scrubbers

Automated floor scrubbers are becoming the cleaning solution of choice for many commercial and industrial businesses, and for good reasons. They are versatile, easy to handle, and require minimal upkeep. If you are a business owner yourself, you need to know the best time to invest in these cleaning equipment.

The Business Is Growing

As your business expands, you will have to build or rent larger facilities with wider surfaces. While you have the option to hire more workers to do your regular floor cleaning chores, they many not meet your building’s sanitation requirement. You need assistance from automatic cleaning equipment such as walk-behind or stand-on floor scrubbers.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Green and Sustainable Floor Scrubbers Top Latest Global Industry Trend

As more industries shift their preference towards using cleaning and maintenance solutions that run on sustainable technologies, so do the demand for eco-friendly and high-performance floor scrubbers. According to an extensive industry study conducted by Transparency Market Research (TMR), more businesses are opting to go green, investing billions in environmentally friendly technology and products for use in their daily operations.
Different Markets Have Different Reasons for Choosing to Follow the Greening Trend
While adopting green technology is a worldwide trend across all industries, the need for eco-conscious industrial floor scrubbers differ in major market segments. Developed markets such as those found in Europe and North America are early adopters to sustainable technologies, and therefore place a high premium on using innovative products that have little to no impact in the environment. Read more from this blog.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Road to Success Can Start with a Floor Scrubber

Cleaning services in the U.S. comprise an industry worth over $1 billion. Every day, the need for tidy spaces proliferates our landscape, whether in homes, schools, hospitals, offices, parks, on streets, or walkways. A prospecting entrepreneur can certainly gain a winning edge by starting a cleaning business. Following are a few startup tips to get you on the right track.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Get The Right Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines for Your Business

Because of their steep tag price, commercial floor cleaning machines are considered as major investments, especially for small- and medium-scale businesses who are working with limited budgets. The pressure to get the most productive and cost-efficient machine causes many businesses to make the most common mistake when buying floor cleaning machines – blowing their budget on the most expensive floor cleaning machines the market has to offer. Businesses are often under the misguided notion that if it costs an arm and a leg, then it must be the best. They often overlook that it’s compatibility, and not price that determines whether a floor cleaning machine is worth the investment or not.
What Type of Floor Surface Do You Have?
A typical automatic floor scrubber comes equipped with different brush types, and knowing which brush to pair with which floor surface is the key to achieving the maximum clean for your floors as possible. Read more from this blog.

An Automatic Floor Scrubber Saves Time and Effort

Your business can stay tidy and draw in more clients when you get an automatic floor scrubber to do the toughest cleaning jobs. Investing in this commercial cleaning machine will also maximize the productivity of your personnel, while maintaining safety within your place of business.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

The Importance of a Reliable Floor Scrubber in the Healthcare Industry

Out of all surfaces, cleanliness of the floors in a healthcare facility or hospital is vital for one important reason – avoiding further spread of disease or infection. That usually requires the use of industrial cleaning machines, and perhaps the most effective of all equipment is the floor scrubber. Here are some valid reasons for those in the healthcare profession to look into floor scrubbers for sale, if they haven’t invested in one already.

Vulnerability to Illness

Many people who visit a hospital or clinic do so with considerably weaker immune systems, due to illness. Therefore, getting treated in an area where the floors have bacteria from other ill patients can increase the risk of infection. This doesn’t only apply in recent direct contact or activity. For example, Clostridium difficile, a very powerful and disinfectant-resilient bacterium that affects the colon, can remain on floors for up to five months. Read more on this article.

Friday, 14 April 2017

4 Key Factors that Enhance Safety in the Workplace

Every employee faces plenty of safety risks throughout his entire work day, regardless of the workplace setting. This makes the task of keeping your workers safe every single second they are in your business premises quite the challenge. Slip and fall, chemical exposure, equipment injury—the list goes on and on.

When thinking about enhancing safety, it’s necessary to consider the design of the workplace. Doing so can benefit the workplace environment and reduce any safety risk. When you do this, you take a giant leap forward toward keeping staff and visitors alike safe and protected in your place of business.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Top Ways to Invest in the Right Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines

There’s no denying the fact that clean floors can bring numerous advantages to businesses. Not only can you promote safety within your premises, but you’re also engendering loyalty among your customers.

If you’re just about to start with your own business, consider investing in high-quality commercial floor cleaning machines to keep your floors looking at their best. Like most investments, however, proper thought must be given in choosing your tools and equipment.

Set a Budget

Though cleaning equipment is a significant investment, it can also yield a significant return on investment, especially if you set your budget wisely. Whether you’re purchasing new or used equipment, setting a budget for cleaning machines and equipment is a must prior to heading out and making a purchase. Read more from this blog.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Time to Throw Away That Bucket and Mop

Is it time to dump that bucket and mop? 

The old standby, mop and bucket, is not very effective in cleaning your spaces. The mop won’t clean after the first use, and the whole procedure is just sloppy. Is there a modern solution? Absolutely! Automatic floor scrubbers can do the job in one pass and leave the floor clean and dry. 

Walk or Sit and Drive! 

Automatic Floor Scrubbers come in walk behind models or sit down models that operate with hand controls. For small and medium floors, a smaller scrubber will do the job and is easy to control by walking behind. If you are cleaning floor areas that make you think fondly of the Zambonis hockey teams use, latch on to a sit down automatic floor scrubber. Able to clean areas 26 inches wide, these scrubbers will fulfill your dream.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Floor Scrubbers for Sale: 4 Factors That Should Influence a Decision

Most of the tips you’ve probably heard of when shopping for floor scrubbers have to do with making sure your chosen floor scrubber is large enough to efficiently clean your intended space, yet small enough to fit through doorways throughout your facility. While these two tips are highly important, they aren’t the only factors that you need to consider. Other factors that should influence which floor scrubbers for sale you should consider include:

Drainage Areas in Your Facility

As you can imagine, floor scrubbers tend to use up a lot of water. As such, you’ll need to make sure your facility has an area where you can safely drain gallons of gray water, as well as refill the tanks for further cleaning. If your area doesn’t have such an area, you may need to have once constructed, which may eat into your floor scrubber budget. Read more from this blog:

Monday, 27 March 2017

Considerations to Make When Buying Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines

Property managers or building administrators tasked with up-keeping the maintenance and cleanliness of their commercial properties benefit from investing in commercial floor cleaning machines. While they may seem expensive at first, they prove to be smart investments in the long run.

The equipment you buy should be of top quality. Here are some simple but helpful tips for you to keep in mind when shopping around for cleaning supplies.

Consider Floor Type

Different flooring materials require different methods of care. For floors made of laminated hardwood, a machine with less abrasive force is a viable option. These usually come with a disc attachment and also work well for vinyl-covered floors. Read more from this blog:

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Floor Scrubber Tips: How to Maintain Your Scrubber

A floor scrubber is a large investment, and it’s only natural that you want to do whatever you can to make sure it runs perfectly for years to come. To achieve this, it’s highly advised that you take on a thorough maintenance regimen:

Daily Maintenance:

• Drain recovery and solution tanks completely to remove debris and gunk that may block lines later on

• Raise the squeegee assembly off of the floor and wipe dust and debris off the blades to avoid scuffing your flooring during future cleaning sessions.

Weekly Maintenance:

• Inspect your batteries for any loose or corroded cables that may lead to electrical damage to your unit.

• Check the fluid level in your batteries and look for any possible signs of leaks

Monthly Maintenance:

• Lubricate grease point and pivot points with recommended silicon spray or grease to prevent accelerated wear and tear.

• Flush solution system with hot water and an approved alkaline detergent to breakdown any residue buildup

If you notice any issues with your floor scrubber, do not wait for a larger problem to manifest. Trusted vendors like Minuteman International often offer repair services for their products. Prompt maintenance and repairs can easily extend the service life of your floor scrubber.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Choosing Between a Floor Scrubber and a Sweeper

When you run a large, busy facility like a hospital, warehouse, or a manufacturing plant, cleaning is undoubtedly one of the most important concerns of operations. A clean facility provides safety to employees and promotes productivity, and an immaculate establishment will also make it easier for clients to feel more confident about doing business with you. For these reasons, it's important to choose the right cleaning equipment that gives the best cleaning performance while also providing high productivity.

Generally, facilities need to have its floors cleared of dirt and debris, so sweepers and scrubbers are typically utilized. To determine which automated cleaning equipment you'll need, consider the following factors:

Sunday, 19 February 2017

How to Properly Use a Floor Scrubber to Maximize its Cleaning Power

Manually cleaning the flooring of your business property hazards inefficiency in time, labor and even in effectiveness when it comes to the actual cleaning. If your property is large and several people are required to clean its floors, then it’s time to invest in commercial cleaning equipment and put your staff to work on more strategic business matters, such as production and revenues.
An automatic floor scrubber can help in many ways. First, it provides an easy, swift way to clean a hard floor surface. There is no need for a mop, a bucket, or even a strong back anymore. Furthermore, the size of the space doesn’t matter as much as if it were cleaned manually. In fact, a floor scrubber can cover up to 23,000 square feet per hour.
While this machine is convenient, you should know how to use it properly to ensure efficient operation. Read more from this blog:

Thursday, 16 February 2017

A Guide on Keeping Your Commercial Floor Scrubber in Good Condition

Buying an automatic floor scrubber to keep your business establishment clean is a worthy investment. Among other floor cleaning machines, a scrubber will help provide a conducive environment for your employees and customers. A dirty building may turn clients off, as well as expose your staff to health and safety risks.
Owning a commercial floor scrubber, however, doesn’t stop when you purchase it. You need to know how to properly use and maintain it as well. This way, you can extend its service life, preventing damages to it that may disrupt your business’s maintenance schedule. When keeping cleaning equipment in good condition, you have to consider several factors.
The brushes attached underneath the machine gather the dirt and debris. Given this, it’s necessary to clean the bristles regularly. Otherwise, the dirt will collect there and eventually lead to a machine malfunction. Read more from this blog:

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Deploy Cleanliness to Promote Safety at Work

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that trips, slips, and falls are among the most common work-related injuries for employees. As an employer, it is part of your responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone in your establishment. This includes maintaining cleanliness and implementing protocols to prevent accidents.

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Reduce Your Sports Facility’s Cleaning Costs by Using Floor Scrubbers

Apart from the obvious sweat marks, you might think that there isn’t much in the way of bacteria and potentially harmful diseases in a sports facility, but you would be wrong. While it’s not always talked about, there are many diseases that can be picked up at the gym which come from improper cleaning routines and methods. Traditionally, a mop and bucket would have been enough to make your floors appear clean but these days, it’s common knowledge that using a mop is an ineffective method of cleaning.

There are many different types of surfaces found at a sports facility and floor scrubbers can greatly reduce the number of labor hours your staff need to spend cleaning. Read more from this blog:

Friday, 10 February 2017

Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines are the Way Forward for Hospitals

If there is one place that needs to keep its floors clean and free from dirt and bacteria, it’s a hospital. With the constant foot traffic and potentially harmful or even deadly bacteria that can be left on hospital floors, investing in commercial floor cleaning machines has never been a higher priority for such organizations.

While the traditional mop and bucket system worked for a while, it has been proven that mops do not actually pick up the dirt, but simply dilute it and spread it around. It may look like you are getting rid of the dirt but in reality, you aren’t. The other big problems with a mop and bucket are the labor hours that it takes to get the job done, the waste of water and disinfectant and the potentially harmful wet floors it leaves behind. Read more from this blog:

Friday, 3 February 2017

Enjoy the Benefits of Automatic Floor Scrubbers

Automatic floor scrubbers are an exciting tool for your industrial or commercial space. Not only do they give your flooring a professional finish, they also minimize the stress you might experience when trying to ensure your floor space is sparkly. However, that’s not all this product can offer. Below are some reasons why automatic floor scrubber is an ideal cleaning tool.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Saving Time Using a Commercial Floor Scrubber

Cleaning the floor of commercial establishments can be quite difficult, especially if the floor space is very large. You want to avoid using a mop and bucket as this can be harsh on the cleaning crew. Instead, consider investing in a floor scrubber and drier as there are numerous benefits to using this machine.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Cleaning a Large Floor Area with the Right Kind of Floor Scrubber

Large floor areas that need to be kept clean, smooth, and shiny can be difficult to handle with a simple mop and bucket. Aside from such large areas taking too long to clean, it also requires backbreaking work.

This kind of job requires the use of floor scrubber equipment, and with the variety of floor scrubbers for sale out there, you need to know which one best fits your needs.

Different Types of Floor Scrubbers

There are different types of floor scrubbers, with walk-behind floor scrubbers being the most popular due to the large variety of sizes available, with the largest floor scrubbers usually being the ones that an operator rides on. Read more from this blog:

Friday, 6 January 2017

Large Areas Require Commercial Floor Cleaning Machines

When mops were first invented in the 1920s, it was a revolution as it meant that one did not need to get down on one’s hands and knees when scrubbing floors. It took a lot of labor out of cleaning floor areas, and not owning a mop was considered unwise if one’s responsibilities involve keeping floors clean.

So, it is a bit counter-intuitive that people would have second thoughts about getting a commercial floor scrubber when their responsibilities involve keeping large floor areas clean, especially if they are under pressure to keep the cleaning activity within a specified timeframe, and within budgetary constraints. Read more from this blog:

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Maintenance Is Key With Automatic Floor Scrubbers

Automatic floor scrubbers are a boon to any business. They maintain a clean environment which encourages increased productivity and sales. Like any industrial machine, however, automatic floor scrubbers can still fail for any number of reasons. You can certainly ignore these if the failures or minor, but, soon enough, they'll accumulate into a major issue which results in total failure. This means having to hack away from the business’ budget for a new one or continue operating without one.